There’s a ‘Clear’ button that will delete the history File Explorer maintains of your frequently accessed files and folders. On this very same window, look at the bottom section called ‘Privacy’. In the options window, open the ‘Open File Explorer to’ dropdown and select the ‘ This PC‘ option.

Go to the View tab and click the Options button. In order to fix this problem, you need to delete the Quick Access cache and File Explorer’s history. Fortunately, there’s a pretty simple solution. If you’re seeing this message a lot, and it’s taking too long to go away, you have a problem on your hands that will get worse with time. File Explorer might become unresponsive during this time. When File Explorer slows down, you see a ‘Working on it’ message when you open it. It works flawlessly for the most part but File Explorer can and does slow down. It shows you the recent files and folders that you accessed and updates constantly. This location, and the files and folders in it, update as you use your PC. You will not find a folder inside your user folder that is called Quick Access. Quick Access isn’t a real location on your system. In Windows 10, File Explorer opens at a location called ‘Quick Access’.